
Welcome to the Famishd Press Page!

Here at Famishd, we value the power of media and the importance of collaboration. We are thrilled to work with journalists, bloggers, and media outlets to share our passion for fast food and provide valuable insights to the community. This Press Page serves as a hub for all the resources you need to cover Famishd and our mission to be the ultimate guide to fast food in Australia.

Media Contact

For all media inquiries, interview requests, or partnership opportunities, please reach out to our media relations team at We are more than happy to assist you and provide any necessary information or resources to support your coverage.

Company Overview

Famishd is a leading online platform dedicated to all things related to fast food in Australia. Our goal is to be the go-to resource for fast food enthusiasts, offering the latest news, coupons, deals, menu prices, reviews, and much more. With our team of dedicated writers and industry experts, we strive to deliver engaging and informative content to our audience.

Key Features and Offerings

  1. News Coverage: Famishd provides up-to-date news articles covering a wide range of fast food-related topics, including new menu items, industry trends, and major announcements from leading fast food chains.
  2. Coupons and Deals: We offer exclusive coupons and deals from popular fast food chains, enabling our readers to enjoy their favorite meals at discounted prices.
  3. Menu Prices: Famishd maintains a comprehensive database of menu prices from various fast food chains across Australia. Our accurate and regularly updated information helps consumers plan their meals and budget accordingly.
  4. Reviews and Recommendations: Our expert reviews and recommendations offer insights into the best fast food experiences in town. From must-try menu items to hidden gems, we provide guidance to help our audience make informed dining choices.

Press Releases

Stay up to date with the latest news from Famishd by accessing our Press Releases. We regularly share updates on new features, partnerships, and exciting developments within the fast food industry.

Brand Assets

To maintain consistency in visual representation, we have provided a collection of high-resolution logos and images that you may require for media coverage. Please reach out to for access to our brand assets.

Stay Connected

Follow us on social media to stay connected with the latest updates, news, and exclusive content from Famishd. Find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for a direct line of communication and to join our fast food-loving community.

We look forward to working with you and providing you with the resources you need to cover Famishd. For any additional information or inquiries, please contact our media relations team at Thank you for your interest in Famishd, the ultimate guide to fast food in Australia!

Note: Famishd reserves the right to approve and monitor all media usage of our brand assets.